Toute l’année,

Le Bistro de Mario vous Propose des Plats Traditionnels, de Saisons & de Qualité

Frise table bistro de mario

Une nouvelle histoire dans votre voyage culinaire

Au fil du temps vous avez perdus ce doux plaisir de déguster les bons petits plats de votre enfance … Ces douces odeurs vous manques … Laissez-vous embarquer dans ce voyage qui réveillera vos souvenirs.

Famille Armato – Vos guides de Voyage

Nos Horaires d’ouverture

Lundi : Fermé

Mardi – Samedi : Service le Midi & le Soir

Dimanche : Fermé

feuille de vigne
verre de vin
bouteille de vin

Cochonaille de Saison

Produits fait Maison, contenu variable en fonction de l'humeur de Mario.

A la demande

Certains plats peuvent être servis comme entrée
Les Viandes (selon arrivage & disponibilité)

Tartare de Bœuf

Haché minute, accompagné de pommes de terre sautées & salade

Le Carré d'Agneau Grillé

La Souirs d'Agneau Grillée

Le Boudin Noir

Médaillé d'Europe, un délice !

La côte de Bœuf Irlandaise

Pour 2 personnes
Produits de la Mer (selon arrivage)

La Truite Rose des Fjörds Grillée

sans arêtes

La Truite Rose des Fjörds Préparée et Fumée par le Chef

Les St Jacques juste Poêlées

Le Retour du Tartare de Thon Rouge au Gingembre

extra frais

Les Moules / Frites

Spécialités Fromagères (uniquement en période hivernale)

Raclette Royale à l'Ancienne

Charcuterie, pommes de terre, salade ...

Fondue Savoyarde Royale

Charcuterie, croûtons de pain, salade ...

Fondant d'Arly

Servi avec une saucisse de Porc artisanale, pommes de terre & salade

Crème Brûlée

Mousse au Chocolat

Baba au Rhum

Fondant au Chocolat

Tarte Tatin

Bière Pression

Pelforth Blonde

Bière Artisanale

Du Hordain du Nord


Armagnac, Cognac, Whisky, Gin...

Vins Rouges, Rosés & Blancs

Des 4 coins de France


Coca-Cola, Eau plate ou gazeuse ...

Café, Thé ...

verre a pied

Le Cadre


Laissez-vous charmer par ce décor d’antan en dégustant de bons plats  de saisons faits Maison, Le Bistro de Mario vous accueil à Saint-Avold dans une ambiance familiale et conviviale de 20 couverts.

Bistro d’époque, Cuisine Authentique pour un retour aux sources.Separated they live.


Un plat peut être simple et exceptionnel ! L’un n’exempt pas forcément l’autre.

Elisabeth Davidécrivaine

Le restaurateur, à travers les mets qu’il fait découvrir et l’expérience conviviale qu’il propose, est sans aucun doute le marchand de bonheur par excellence !

Théodore Zeldinsociologue
entrée le bistro de mario

Venez vous Régaler avec Nous



Mardi au Samedi

Service le midi & le soir



Tél. :

16 Av. Georges Clemenceau, 57500 Saint-Avold

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Dominique J
Dominique J
Excellent The dishes are not numerous but excellent including a real salad 🥗 Nice with anchovy and anchovy at 19€ a burger with pulled pork at 19€ a mouse of lamb at 38€ Wines by the glass are good and affordable The room is not noisy
Good, beautiful and warm We really enjoyed this place. Simple but efficient welcome, no menu but a slate where everyone can find a dish to their liking, local beers, homemade desserts, for an ultra reasonable price! The chef passes between the tables at the end of the service, we appreciated it!
Antoine C
Antoine C
Tasty and warm Welcoming and charming place, you feel like you are in a period bistro. The service is fast and the cuisine is generous and tasty, the menu is short but everything is homemade. We will come back with pleasure!
Isabelle F
Isabelle F
Beautiful Discovery Today we discovered Mario's Bistro with delight! I ate an excellent fresh and spicy homemade tartare perfectly served with roasted potatoes in their skins and a mixed salad A delight ! A small downside, the map on slate in the dark is difficult to read but the owner is very professional and knows how to do it! We will come back with pleasure!!
Practical, tasty, pleasant Tasty food, fresh homemade products, warm welcome: for a simple lunch break off the motorway it's ideal. Fast service and we had a great time.
DELICIOUS Very nice surprise! Very nice welcome, good mood! Excellent meal and more than perfect value for money. Also very good advice on wines. The chef even came to see each customer at the end of lunch to get our feedback. I highly recommend we will definitely return ;)
I recommend . very good Nice place not very big but friendly, The meal is very good with fresh produce. Mario came at the end of the meal to see these customers. Wonderful evening.
Very nice bistro A real bistro in the good sense of the word. The food is very good in a lovely setting. Very good value for money. Charming welcome. What more?
A restaurant, a real one, just the way we like them! We particularly enjoyed this restaurant, which is off the beaten track. First of all, the excellent welcome from the Boss, very friendly and full of humor. The decoration is atypical and very well done, including hanging bicycle, old tobacco shop "carrot", old-fashioned tapestry. The atmosphere is very cozy and you feel at home. The dishes are listed on a slate and the wines are presented directly on the counter, which very advantageously replaces a traditional wine list. We ate very well and the portions were more than generous. There were four of us and we had black pudding, braised shank, tartare and house smoked salmon: each dish was a real delight. The Boss came to greet each table at the end of the meal. We highly recommend this restaurant!
good welcome - very well prepared dishes - stylish and pleasant restaurant - very friendly boss - good welcome - very well prepared dishes - stylish and pleasant restaurant - very friendly boss -